Sunday, December 15, 2013


HERE ARE MY BOOKS. Originally published by REED... now by PENGUIN... I am very proud of my efforts... All are written from a Tamanuhiri perspective... All were motivated by my children... and all are dedicated to my moko's. My first book... Nga Tai Korero (Traditional Maori Legends) was published in 2000. In 2006 it was awarded a Gold Best Seller Award and to this day continues to be my most popular. If you wanna find out how to purchase... check out google... MAURIORA

TRADITIONAL MAORI LEGENDS: Among the fourteen stories from around New Zealand are old favourites like Maui and the Fish; Paikea and the Whale; Tutanekai and Hinemoa; Ngatoroirangi; Rona and the Moon; and Maui and the Sun. Each story is told across two pages, with text of about 250 words accompanied by a large, colourful illustration by Warren Pohatu. Both in his ebullient artwork and his energetic retelling of the tales, Pohatu succeeds in bringing tradition stories of the Maori to life for a young audience.

MAORI ANIMAL MYTHS: Animals were much more than a source of food for early Maori - they were considered part of the great family to which we all belong. Some were cheeky, others were wise, while others still were dangerous and cunning. In some cases animals worked with humans to educate or guide. Yet they all had a role to play and a destiny to fulfill. In this beautiful book, Warren Pohatu introduces us to special members of our animal family and shares their stories with us. He retells legends of the past in which animals played a special part, and emphasises the bond we can all share.

THE MARAE: This booklet provides a brief overview of the physical and spiritual structure of the marae, the meeting ground of the Maori people. Hopefully it will help explain the importance of the marae to Maori, the customs and rituals surrounding it, and the significance of features like the wharenui. In modern society a maraeā€™s role is largely governed by its location. In rural areas the marae retains its traditional role as the centre of all village life and the hub of tribal activity. It continues to provide both shelter for the people and a platform from which to guide them.

TANIWHARAU: This book focuses on the special relationships between various taniwha around Aotearoa and the local people of the land. It celebrates the many and various kaitieki (kaitiaki ranei) that inhabit our whakapapa and punctuate our oral histories. These magnificent creatures came in all shapes and sizes including lizards, sharks, whales, kiwi, pigeons, dogs and even giant eagles. Some were a weird mix of creatures; half man-half dog, half bird-half woman but all had a special place in the history of the various tangata whenua who claimed them as guardians.whakapapa and punctuate our oral histories. These magnificent creatures came in all shapes and sizes including lizards, sharks, whales, kiwi, pigeons, dogs and even giant eagles. Some were a weird mix of creatures; half man-half dog, half bird-half woman but all had a special place in the history of the various tangata whenua who claimed them as guardians.

Merry Xmas Whanau... ma te atua koutou e tiaki...

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