Monday, July 8, 2013


Hey you know that AMP ad on TV... the one with the little kids and the chocolate fish... My favourite is the kid who eats the fish... I would eat my fish too... for sure. So what’s that all about anyway?... how many people would put a chocolate fish in front of their children... then tell them NOT to eat it till later... is that really a lesson in finance... or prime time child abuse for commercial gain.

They claim that if you don’t eat the fish... they’ll double it... BUT that sounds too good to be true right?... No one doubles your fish. You might earn yourself another tail... some fins... a head and gills even... but no one doubles your fish... and anyone who says they can... sound like real sharks to me. Remember all the other finance companies who said they could double your fish... well they lost an entire ocean full of fish. In reality... the finance company fat cats ate the bloody fish... some of them are still eating the fish today... and many innocent investors were left... well... fishless. Obviously AMP think taking your fish... is as easy as taking candy from our babies... Hmmm what’s wrong with that image?

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