Saturday, May 4, 2013


Another awesome morning in Tamaki. Today the big fulla will be buried in Uawa... Haere atu ra e te rangatira. I’ll definitely log into the live stream for the service. 

Today I also need to get on with the e-book korero. I want this to be the basis of my exhibition in December so I need to push on. To date I have identified 60-70 tipuna so far and about 15-20 chapters of korero are complete to final draft stage. Have been in touch with Steve Gibbs back home to see how things are progressing and to let him know my thinking. In terms of the illustrations I have started the thumb nails to try and define a style. Ideally the new illustrations will be consistent with each other and form a set.

Have started some of the illustration thumb nails

Once I have clarified that style in my head I can start developing the 100 colour illustrations for the e-book asap. There will be 100 chapters featuring 100 of the most recognised tipuna in my whakapapa. All feature illustrations will be new for this book... but I will include much of my existing work as secondary illustrations etc. As well as the colour versions I need to save clean b/w versions to include as an extra resource. I would also like to include as part of each chapter... whakapapa charts (to and from tipuna), whakatauki, pepeha, photographs of carving if possible... podcast recording (brief korero by various people), waiata, haka and photos of relevant landmarks.

I decided to make the main story for each chapter about 500-550 words long. That should be long enough to capture the essence of the korero. It is quite hard to reduce some stories to just 500 word because they are so complex... but I think 500 words is about right for this... essentially an overview of my whakapapa. At the moment I have 20 draft chapters at final draft stage. It should be noted that the stories are kept fairly generic and are not to deep or too scary. I understand that some iwi have different versions of the korero and some people may dispute the characters involve... but this is my version of my whakapapa. I’ve also made an effort to sanitise the korero and illustrations in an effort to make the material child friendly

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